Observatory for Human Rights Violations in the Boko Haram Affected Areas of Far North Cameroon

IMG 3466 v2

HSC is involved in an Observatory for monitoring human rights violations within the context of state responses to violent extremism in the Boko Haram affected areas of Far North Cameroon. The initiative is backed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) office on the Prevention of Violent Extremism in Africa, with technical support from HSC, and implemented by a consortium of civil society organizations based in the region.

170 incidents have been reported across the three sites where human rights monitoring activities took place, namely Tourou, Amchide and Waza.

The pilot phase of the Observatory yielded the following outputs:

  • Implementation of capacity development workshops to train Observatory staff on monitoring and human rights
  • Production of monthly reports reporting on human rights violations across the three sites
  • Liaison with security forces, administrative authorities, traditional and religious leaders, community members, and civil society to address human rights violations