Expert Meeting on CVE, Security and Development, Abu Dhabi

News expert meeting abu dhabi

Expert meeting on the nexus between development and security, organized jointly by Human Security Collective and Hedayah Center in Abu Dhabi.

Report Expert Meeting CVE, Security and Development

The Security sector and the Development sector have not traditionally been natural partners, and have not traditionally cooperated to a large degree. However, given the recent developments in Countering Terrorism (CT) that shifted the focus from reactive measures to a more preventive and multi dimensional approach, the Security sector and Development sector have developed more common goals, particularly in the field of countering violent extremism (CVE). The complexity of the current link between Security and Development and the changes occurred in the traditional roles of these sectors, attracted increasing attention from experts and practitioners.

In order to further analyze the evolving connection between security and development, the International Center of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism - Hedayah and Human Security Collective organized an Expert Meeting on CVE, Security and Development from 17-18 November. The meeting focused on how stronger collaboration between security and development can be effective in terms of CVE objectives.